C.S. Lewis describes friendship as a ‘shoulder-to-shoulder’ relationship. A person recognizes in the other something they did not know they shared, and a connection is born. I experienced this recently in the Leadership Carroll course when an answer to an icebreaker game uncovered a mutual interest in music. Again, a few days ago when Keturah and I discussed life experiences in reflections on a challenging art installation. The same relationship occurs as we navigate life together as a Target community.
In many ways, the Target community comprises people standing shoulder-to-shoulder with gazes focused on promoting human dignity. Each of us participates in different ways. There are those of us who spend each day in direct relationships with individuals, those who organize time and money to promote direct care, those who craft policy, those who develop external relationships, and those who find more people to serve by our side.
This Monday after Thanksgiving, I turn my gratitude to those whose generosity to Target comes from monetary donations. Like all not-for-profit human service organizations, your contributions enhance our success. You enhance the lives of our friends and help us create the infrastructure to continue to improve the fabric of society for those with disabilities.
This is the season when you will find our annual appeal letter in your mailboxes. While this appeal is geared towards soliciting donations, it is also a thank you. Thank you for joining us in our mission. Thank you for your continued support. Thank you for being a valuable member of the Target community and a pioneer in the lives of those with disabilities.
We stand together, shoulder-to-shoulder, in a deep and lasting friendship.
To you, I will the good,