Happy Monday. Some research from Cambridge suggests that individuals with dyslexia may be the key to future human evolution. The theory called Complimentary Cognition is beginning to get attention (see link below). The idea that students with dyslexia, whom society has long viewed as ‘less than,’ may be crucial to the advancement of humankind. The cognitive shift for those not involved in the evolution study is to see those with disabilities from a strengths-based perspective. One will notice spatial reasoning in those with disabilities far beyond ‘average.’ In his book, “Look Me in the Eye: My Life with Asperger’s,” author John Elder Robinson illustrates how his cognitive processes inform computer science. Author, animal scientist, and advocate Temple Grandin has spent a lifetime telling us that society can benefit from the thinking of those with neural diversity.
How can we move beyond our thinking which serves only to limit those with a disability, and into a mode where we celebrate the strengths found in those who learn and engage in society differently?